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Epidermal Levelling

Fluff and dull skin is so yesterday.

The smoothest make up application, no more shimmer of soft hairs in the light and a glow for days!  No risk, no down time, and no nasty chemicals. Gentle, but effective, try it once, love it forever.

What is Epidermal Levelling?

Epidermal levelling , also known as Derma-planing is a simple, effective and safe procedure for exfoliating the skin and removing your facial fuzz. It has been used for many years, with few to no adverse effects. Using a medical grade scalpel and a delicate touch, the blade simply glides over the skin, decongesting and resurfacing your skin for smooth and soft skin. This treatment tends to remove slightly more skin than microdermabrasion and also has the benefit of removing fine facial hair. This is a brilliant preparation for peels.

Who can benefit from this treatment?

This is a great procedure for almost anyone, and can also be performed while pregnant. It is also a perfect choice for patients who have excess vellus hair on the skin. This hair can cause a buildup of dirt and oils in the follicles, so removing the hair gives you healthier looking skin and may  considerably improve the penetration of active products, such as Vitamin A (retinol), lactic acids and vitamin C

Does the treatment hurt?

Epidermal leveling is a comfortable non invasive treatment; however, sometimes you may experience slight tingling or sensitivity that will subside quickly during treatment. Your skin might be slightly  pink after the treatment, but you can return to you usual activity immediately after.

Will I grow more hair on my face?

Most woman are concerned that by removing the fine hair on your face (similar to shaving) may result in the hair to grow back more dense and even darker. This is a myth. Epidermal levelling can not change the DNA structure of the fine vellus hair on your face and therefore does not grow back heavier or darker. Superficial vellus hair, will grow back at the same rate and texture as before treatment. Most hair changes are due to hormonal change that happen during puberty, menopause or when there is an hormonal imbalance in the body.

How often can I have this treatment

This treatment is recommended once a month for the best results. It refines and refinishes dull, lifeless skin and reduce acne scarring, uneven pigmentation, and fine line wrinkles. Epidermal levelling may be used to prepare the skin for superficial chemical peels.

What is the cost for treatment

As we are all unique individuals with different skin types and concerns, your treatment plan will be unique to you. It is recommended to have a series of treatments and packages are available, generally reducing the cost per treatment if paid in advance.  

Price Guide


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